Urop Congress in Salerno

Dr. Picinotti will be present at the Urop Congress in Salerno, as a provoker in the session: low urinary tract.

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Collaboration with Boston Scientific

Dr. Mattioli and Picinotti agreed to collaborate with the Boston Scientific Italian section for the development and propagation of the new Laser Tullio second-generation Vela XL.

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V Endourology Course

Dr. Picinotti will be present at the V Endourology Course: LUTS from BPE is a tailored therapy required? Organized by Prof. Giulianelli at Casa di Cura New Villa Claudia, Rome, as a provoker.

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Dr. Picinotti will be present as a speaker

Luts from cervical-urethral obstruction: resect, vaporize, or enucleate the adenoma? What is the best treatment? Dr. Picinotti will be present as a speaker to the fourth theoretical and practical course which will be held in Rome at the Nuova Villa...

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Via Petrarca, 22/A - 52100 Arezzo (AR)



+39 0575 401642


